Cities are Listening Experiences
Following the outcomes of the Live Learning Experiences, UCLG hosted new spaces for dialogue and interaction between different stakeholders and the political leadership of the local and regional governments constituency. This process counted on the support of UN-Habitat and Metropolis, building on the Town Hall process initiated in Durban, and leading up to the renewal of the process leading to the 2022 World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders in Daejeon. The topics addressed have focused on each of the axes of the Pact for the Future to renew the social contract for people, for planet, and for governments.
The #CitiesAreListening Experiences discovered how to bring about a resilient recovery by including all stakeholders. These dialogues also shaped UCLG’s international advocacy and inclusive, sustainable thinking for the future.
These sessions explore issues that are critical for the future of our planet such as the future of tourism, the access to public space and developing healthy cities beyond healthcare, the relationship between culture and sustainable development, as well as between climate change and the food systems. The sessions also build on critical topics addressed by the Live Learning Experience such as local democracy, public service delivery, and the importance of harnessing technology driven by our communities.
The #CitiesAreListening experiences pave the way towards the implementation of the UCLG Decalogue for the COVID-19 aftermath and will provide the inputs for the development of the Pact for the Future, inspired by the lessons learned during the outbreak and local and regional leaders’ visions of the future and the recommendations of partners.
Beyond The Outbreak
The Importance of Local Public Services
UCLG has also developed an open online course based on the LLE sessions, organized as a self e-learning and interactive format, focused on eight specific thematic areas, with video, quizzes and infographics.
The Voices
We Heard
Cities represented
Academic experts and organisations involved