Towards a Future Tourism Strategy: Ensuring a sustainable tourism that benefits people and the planet in the aftermath

Pere Calvet
President of UITP

María Paz Ramos
Undersecretary of Tourism of Lima

Karol Fajardo
Director of the District Tourism Institute, Bogotá

Jyoti Hosagrahar
Deputy Director of the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO

Jacqueline Mora-Baez
Vice Minister of Tourism of the Dominican Republic

Isabel Oliver Sagreras
Expert on Tourism and Biodiversity in the office of the Secretary General of the UNWTO

Mohamed Boudra
UCLG President and Mayor of Al-Hoceima

Cristiano Beraldo
Secretary of Tourism of Rio de Janeiro

Almudena Maíllo
Secretary General of the UCCI and Councillor of Tourism of Madrid

Emilia Saiz
Secretary-General of UCLG


After the pandemic, our cities will never be the same again. The COVID-19 has had a major impact on citizens and, above all, has deepened structural inequalities and called into question many of the certainties we had before the pandemic. As the UCLG Decalogue points out, the pandemic has shed light on the consumption model of many cities, and of delocalized and unsustainable production systems. In the world to come, both during and after the recovery, it will be essential to rebalance the relationship between economic growth, the environment and public priorities.
During this session, participants discussed the effects of the pandemic on the tourism sector and addressed the new meaning of tourism in the post-pandemic world. Likewise, priorities and needs for the development of the Ibero-American Strategy for Future Tourism (EIT) of UCCI and the Pact for the Future, which is part of UCLG’s strategy towards the renewal of the social contract, were identified. Participants also addressed ways in which tourism can be a sustainable tool for economic recovery and social cohesion, as well as a reinforcement of cultural rights to meet the needs of citizens.

- Tourism must carry out a radical transformation to adapt to sustainable agendas which take into account both the technological and ecological transitions.
- The relationship between economic growth, the environment and public priorities needs to be addressed by providing a better quality of life for residents and opportunities for economic development.
- In parallel, the promotion of culture and heritage must back these measures. Collaboration between public and private services could ensure safer and more attractive destinations connected by more developed public transport.
- The local population needs to be included in the design of tourism policies.

- South and Central America implemented measures adapted to the specific needs of the countries. For instance, the Ibero-American Tourism Strategy links the strategy with the goals of decent work, inclusion, and responsible production and consumption.
- In the Dominican Republic, the national government worked together with cities to develop urban tourism on the island.
- Havana (Cuba) decided to focus on a plan for habitational development to ensure a destination of peace and security.
- Mexico has been able to increase the percentage of international tourists in the latest months thanks to safer tourism.
Towards the Pact

- Tourism is a pillar to economic recovery, and to this end, the right to the city and the right to life should be considered.
- The co-creation of a global tourism narrative aligned with the Pact for the Future, building on the momentum of the Ibero-American Strategy for Future Tourism of the Union of Ibero-American Cities, is necessary in order to ensure a future of tourism that is sustainable and builds towards an equitable recovery.
- Emphasis was put on a more territorial perspective, including UCLG regional sections, and on new trends concerning the wellbeing of citizens and tourists, connectivity, transport and sustainability, among others.
- Diversity and care are the two main axes around which cities must focus in order to become attractive and safe since tourism is both a human and economic activity.

For further information on the topic of Public Service Delivery and its impact on cities and regions, please refer to the related resources included below.
- UCLG’s Live Learning Experience page
- Metropolis’ Cities for Global Health initiative
Pere Calvet
President of UITP

María Paz Ramos
Undersecretary of Tourism of Lima

Karol Fajardo
Director of the District Tourism Institute, Bogotá

Jyoti Hosagrahar
Deputy Director of the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO

Jacqueline Mora-Baez
Vice Minister of Tourism of the Dominican Republic

Isabel Oliver Sagreras
Expert on Tourism and Biodiversity in the office of the Secretary General of the UNWTO

Mohamed Boudra
UCLG President and Mayor of Al-Hoceima

Cristiano Beraldo
Secretary of Tourism of Rio de Janeiro

Almudena Maíllo
Secretary General of the UCCI and Councillor of Tourism of Madrid

Emilia Saiz
Secretary-General of UCLG